PPSPPS has an opaque, off-white finish when machined. It has a smooth, matte appearance post machining and can be machined to a variety of surface roughnesses.
PMMA (Acrylic)PMMA is a translucent rigid Plastic, often used as a substitute for glass and when high transparency is needed, a high polishing process can be done to achieve this.
PP (Polypropylene)Polyproplene has similar properties to polyethylene but is harder and more heat resistant.
PC (Polycarbonate)Polycarbonate (CNC) has excellent impact strength and good temperature resistance. Suitable for outdoor applications. Can be colored or semi-transparent.
PE (Polyethylene)HDPE (CNC) is a lightweight and strong thermoPlastic, suitable for outdoor applciations. Commonly used for prototypes before Injection Molding.
PE (Polyethylene)High density polyethylene is very tough due to its long chain structure and has the highest impact strength of any thermoPlastic.
PPSUPPSU offers hydrolytic stability, toughness and superior impact strength over a wide temperature range.